Empress Elisabeth - The Truth about Sisi

Empress Elisabeth (1837-1898), Hungarian Queen consort between 1867-1898

SISI’s younger sister, "THE WARRIOR QUEEN”
Maria Sophie Amalie
Bavarian Duchess, the Last Queen consort of Naples - the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies (4 October 1841 - 19 January 1925 )
A story of a marriage, which was consummated only ten years after the match. However, meanwhile these years, the young wife gave birth to twins, of course, secretly... 
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Tegnapi: 6
Heti: 33
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Össz.: 20 735

Látogatottság növelés
Oldal: The Bavarian Family of the Empress
Empress Elisabeth - The Truth about Sisi - © 2008 - 2025 - empresselisabeth.hupont.hu

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